英文书 E214 The Sword of the Yogi 瑜伽士的寶劍
The Appearing of White Tara
In the past, when I was at my teacher, Vajra Acharya Thubten Dargye’s place, he told me a true story.
Vajra Acharya Thubten Dargye said that one day White Tara appeared to him and told him:
“You must quickly go to Taiwan, to find someone with the family name of Luo. In this present age, this Mr. Luo will be a rare and precious acharya, and in the future he will attain accomplishment. This acharya’s bliss-body is none other than Amitabha Buddha.”
At the beginning, Vajra Acharya Thubten Dargye did not take this seriously.
However, White Tara appeared to him repeatedly.
Hence my teacher brought his attendant Thubten Qi-gong with him to Taiwan to disseminate Buddha dharma, while looking for someone with the last name of “Luo”at the same time.
He searched day after day.
But he could not find someone with the last name of “Luo.”
Vajra Acharya Thubten Dargye was very upset that he could not find someone with the last name of “Luo.”
Not long after, I took refuge under Vajra Acharya Thubten Dargye of my own accord. My teacher gave me the dharma name, “Thubten Qi-mo.”
One day, White Tara showed up again.
My teacher told White Tara:
“While in Taiwan, I could not find someone with the family name of ‘Luo.’”
White Tara replied:
“He is already by your side, and is none other than Sheng-Yen Lu. Go on and teach him the profound esoteric keys of the three inner secret dharma practices.”
My teacher said:
“His family name is Lu, not Luo?”
White Tara replied:
“In Taiwanese, the pronunciation of the family name Lu is Luo.”
“Lu”is pronounced as “Luo” in Taiwanese.
Suddenly, light dawned upon Vajra Acharya Thubten Dargye.
As a result, I became his main disciple at his place, and received the pivotal keys of theinner secret practices all through his teachings, incomparable empowerments and continuous blessings.
At Vajra Acharya Thubten Dargye’s place, I received:
Kurukulle Buddha Mother empowerment
The Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment
Yamantaka empowerment
The great Kalachakra empowerment