英文书 E051 - Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra无上密与大手印
Preface: Pith Instructions in the Anuttarayoga Tantra
After the publication of my fiftieth book, I plan to write a book detailing the pith instructions that have been secretly transmitted in the Vajrayana lineage. This book will be entitled Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra, and the debut of this masterpiece will awaken and tremble the whole universe. As a result, Vajrayana Buddhism [a.k.a.Tantric Buddhism] will become an eternally glorious rainbow in the sky, liberating and blessing all sentient beings and heavenly beings. I will be the first in modern times to completely reveal these ancient teachings in writing. (This book shall be my fifty-firstbook.)
I have been secretly practicing the Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra for many years, and these teachings were transmitted to me by the Sixteenth Gyalwa Karmapa and Guru Padmasambhava. Now, Master Sheng-Yen Lu will unveil the closely guarded secrets of this lineage. These secrets are thesupreme quintessence of Vajrayana Bud dhism. They contain the extremely rareand pith instructions for all Vajrayana practitioners to attain buddhahood. I, the Holy Red Crown Vajra Guru, am the master of the inextinguishable dharma lamp. I am the master that knows all secrets and who expounds the Highest Yoga Tantra. When this book is published, it will send shockwaves throughout the world.
In the past, Vajradhara (a secret epithet that represents thegreat authority of Vajrayana Buddhism) first transmitted the Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra to Tilopa, who later transmitted them to Naropa. [Naropa then passed the dharma baton to Marpa], who was originally from the snow-capped mountains of Tibet. Marpa established the Kagyupa School, the white sect of Tibetan Buddhism. Marpa’s successor was Milarepa, who attained buddhahood in his present body, as the result of his attainment from the Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra.